Puppet theatre
Puppet theatre

Shadow shows were once a popular form of entertainment, and they were also used for religious and instructional purposes. Shadow Puppet TheaterĪt a time when there was no flat-screen TV, people entertained themselves in the evening with shadow puppet theater.

puppet theatre

Rod puppetry is still a little popular in China. The hand rods may be attached to the performer’s wrists or elbows. The head of the puppet is usually hollow and is carved from wood, and the performers can move the eyes and mouth. One rod is attached to the puppet’s head. Performers used to wear special traditional theatric robes with big sleeves so that the rods were somewhat hidden, but modern performers tend to let their hands and rods show. The puppets may be small or even life-size. Rod PuppetryĬhinese rod puppets are puppets that are manipulated by three rods as shown in the picture. Marionette performances or other types of puppet theater were often outside of temples or shrines and used for instruction of religion. There were religious aspects to Chinese marionette plays, and there might still be to some extent. In the West, the audiences usually expect the performers to be hidden. Chinese marionette plays are mostly performed in the open air without a curtain to conceal the puppeteers, unlike the common practice in the West, and spectators can see both the performances and the performers from the three sides of the stage. Marionettes were usually carved from pieces of wood, and the assembled parts are hung on strings. Marionettes on strings or wire like the old time Pinocchio or as in the picture to the right were once popular in the China before the advent of motion pictures. Four Forms of Chinese Puppet Theater Marionette Theater The Chinese puppet theaters come in four forms: marionettes on strings or wires, rod puppets, shadow plays, and hand manipulated glove-type puppets. There were several forms of puppet theater in China. Puppet performances of various types were popular in China.

Puppet theatre